I am passionate about a few things in my life. My marriage, family and pets. Lately though I have become increasingly passionate about our Red Door Pantry, produce distribution, and women’s coffee.
Our ministries that feed and clothe our community are a true blessing. I believe in my heart that all of us that serve in these ministries find that some months your heart is filled with joy. But then there are times when our hearts get broken and despair can set in. What I have learned is that in an instant or by some unfortunate circumstance I could be in line for free food or clothing. I could become a client.
So we try to be fair and just in our dealings with the people. I try to listen to their stories about their day to day struggles. Sometimes laugh, cry, shake a hand or give a hug. I believe that is part of the essence of St. John’s. I would like to thank all that volunteer and put time into these wonderful programs.
And thank you for your time today.
God Bless
Bill Hogg