One of the definitions for the word Vocation I saw was “a summons or strong inclination to a particular state or course of action.” Sometimes it is not always an inclination or a summons, but sometimes it is a simple invitation. When I was invited to become a Reader/ Chalice Bearer, I realized it wasn’t just a chance to help out during our service, but it was an invitation from God. An opportunity to help deliver the word of God and to facilitate the receiving of Christ at his table.

I never take for granted the importance of my role as a Reader. I don’t just read the words on the service bulletin as they are printed. I try to deliver the lessons and prayers with the heart and feeling that the words were created with.

I try to fulfill my role as Chalice Bearer with the same conviction in which Christ lived his life. When I receive communion, I use it as an opportunity to not only remember why Jesus died for me, but also to receive him in my heart in the living present. Communion is when I reaffirm my faith and reflect on who God wants me to be, and how he wants me to live. As a Chalice Bearer, it is my privilege to serve at Christ’s table and facilitate the goodness of his goodness and love.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you this morning and allowing me to participate in our worship every week.