Meg’s Vocation Minute
I am Meg Silver. I am an English teacher. I was told I only had one minute to speak about vocation, so I wrote a poem to stay under my deadline.

Between Us
I love kids
And I give them books.

I give them mirrors.
And we recognize each other—
“That was so sad; I’ve felt that way too.”
“I have struggled with those same decisions.”
“Sometimes the world is so hard.”
“Can we believe in happy endings?”

I give them windows.
And we learn about the world—
“Did you ever know how much people struggle?”
“This place is more complicated than I thought.”
“I never knew life could be like that.”
“How can we rewrite our endings?”

And we have God between us—
that book,
that love,
that new understanding,
between us
and the world.

–Meg Silver