Many years ago I read Father Andrew Greeley’s Apologetics of Beauty. It changed my life and ministry. Here is just one little passage on liturgy. As we move through the holy season of Lent, we are moved by the beauty of the liturgy.
“To say that a funeral ceremony is beautiful is to say that the faith of the congregation in the triumph of life over death is so powerful that the Lord of the Resurrection seems temporarily to be among, as he was with Lazarus’s mourners, promising that life is too important ever to be anything but life. To say that a Baptism is beautiful is to say that the celebration of priest and parents of people over this wondrous little bundle of human life is so delirious that we sense for a moment that the One who gives life and nurture is delirious with us. These moments when well done are exercises in the apologetics of beauty, the best advertisement, the best evangelization; the church could ever hope to have.”
Lenten Calendar Suggestion
Pray for the Rector.