Lord, bless the largeness inside me, no matter how I fear it.

Let it guide me to do your will.

Let me be a friend and an aide to the lost, the forgotten, and the outcasts of this world.

Let your kingdom that dwells within me be brought forth into this world through kindness and love and empathy, as Jesus once did during his time upon this earth.

Let me not forget your words and let my own be pleasing in your sight.

Let the well in my heart never run dry; let it overflow with your love, and let that love guide me to be a force for good and change in this world.

Bless the words I write, the words I speak, and the actions I do.

May they all be beautiful in your sight, as you are beautiful in mine.

Let me be a voice; a voice calling out to those in the wilderness. Amen.

Lenten Calendar Suggestion

Surprise someone with a small gift.