Lent is a time for reflection and renewal. Spring and Easter are fast approaching! Our 40 days of Gratitude invites us to give thanks for the ways we get to interact with and tend to nature. There are so many ways to celebrate and interact with nature. We are fortunate to have a beautiful park and gardens in our community where we can watch the birds and animals, as well as the flowers which will soon be showing off their beautiful colors and shapes.

The robins and other birds will soon be returning to build their nests and raise their young. Perhaps you will welcome them back with a bird house and some seeds. The hummingbirds and the butterflies will soon be looking for some delicious nectar that you have provided. Have you ever stopped to watch a honeybee gathering pollen? Or a butterfly drinking nectar from a flower?

Our rhododendron and lilac bushes outside the church smell so amazing when they bloom! Please take the time to smell them and say a prayer of gratitude. The next time you are outdoors, take a moment to look around you at all the beauty God has given us. Look at the stars and planets!

What a wonderful world!

“All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small,

All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all!”


Submitted by Cindy Sharish