We need to remember,

that resurrection is not just a mysterious event

that once happened long ago.

We need to know – to live –

the truth of resurrection for ourselves,

and for our world,



And so we pray that we and our world

may recognise and embrace the little resurrections

that are always all around us,

and may we give ourselves to be

life-carriers wherever we are able.


Where lives are lost because human greed and power-mongering

drive people into poverty and war

may resurrection be found

in simplicity, generosity and peace-making.


Where people are imprisoned by the sickness in their bodies

or in the hearts of those who enslave them,

may resurrection be found

in community, in compassion,

and in our constant striving for freedom for all.


Where women and men are kept from abundant life

through unjust policies and unequal opportunities,

may resurrection be found

in gracious laws and open doors.


Where the earth and its creatures are destroyed

through expediency and carelessness,

may resurrection be found

in honouring all life and in mindful living.


And so, wherever life may seem to be lost,

may we remain people of hope,

of justice and of grace

and may we become skilled at seeing and unleashing

your little resurrections.



Submitted by Sarah Quaranta

Resource: Sacredise.com