On Creating Justice

It is easy

            to get so caught up

            in the business and troubles

            of our own lives.

that we forget

we are called

            to be transformers for justice

            in this world.


There is so much pain

           so much loneliness,

           so much sickness,

           so much loss,

           so much injustice

In this world,

           It can sometimes seem like

           *just the way things are.”


Let us never forget

            that Creation contains

            the possibility of

            heaven on earth,

            a fellowship of humanity.

Let us never forget

            That the teachings of Jesus

            as well as the teachings

            of so many other

            great spiritual leaders

            can lead us to a world

            where suffering

            it greatly reduced.

Until that time,

may we learn

not only to

              confront injustices

but to

              comfort those

              who suffer

and to

              be open

              to receiving comfort

              when we are the ones



Sandlin, M. (2022). Progressive prayers for progressive people. www.revmarksandlin.com.